Thursday, June 21, 2012

ROBOT CHICKEN & Friends Present: An Art Show for Steven

ROBOT CHICKEN & Friends Present: An Art Show for Steven is an exhibition to benefit the brother of Robot Chicken crew member, Lindsey Gilbert. On April 15th, Steven fell ill from a deadly and rare bacteria. He remains in critical condition fighting to get well. This show will feature work from many of the talented artists who work on ROBOT CHICKEN on Adult Swim, as well as various artists from L.A. and beyond.
In addition to hundreds of pieces of affordable art, the Robot Chicken gang will be offering up CUSTOM, ONE-OF-A-KIND PUPPETS (one male AND one female), sculpted in the likeness of the highest bidder. Seriously!! A puppet of YOU!! A nerd fantasy fulfilled... AND you'll be doing something awesome for someone else in the process!




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