Thursday, August 2, 2012

BANKSY's New Book "Your Are An Acceptable Level of Threat"

One of the most famous and notorious street artist that hails from Britain needs little to no introduction. Artist, painter & film maker BANKSY has gained international fame and legendary status, all under a shrouded myth of secrets and anonminity. To this day, very few outside the Banksy camp truly know this mans identity.

With a career that started in the early 90's on the streets, walls and bridges across towns and cities in Great Britain. Banksy has blossomed into a successful solo gallery artist as well in addition to his works and pieces on the streets that have sold for thousands at Sotheby's and  Christies Auction Houses, including a Oscar nominated film "Exit Through The Gift Shop" in 2010.  Most noted for political and social satire and awareness of issues, Banksy will be releasing a new companion book showcasing his art next week entitled "Your Are An Acceptable Level of Threat". This will be Banksy first art book since his 2005 release of "Wall and Piece" published by Random House UK. Publisher Gingko Press has set to unveil their latest hardbound addition next week on its website with availability on Amazon on August 15, 2012.

"Your Are An Acceptable Level of Threat" 

 Publisher Gingko Press has many tittles under their belt that specialize in art, design, photography & architecture. Past releases inclued Shepard Fairey's "Suppley & Demand, E Plurbus Venom and May Day", Saber's "Mad Society", Mike Giant, Invader, Stay High 149, Ryan Mcginness, Flying Fortress, Juxtapoz Magazine books as well as many more. Banksy's new tittle will make a wonderful addition to Gingko Press's already impressive and growing catalog.

To learn more about Banky and his works, please visit:

To order and see other Gingko Press titles, please vist:


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