Tuesday, October 30, 2012

"Return of the Great Showdowns" by Scott C. at G1988

"Return of the Great Showdowns" by Scott C.

Scott Campbell, known professionally as Scott C. is an American born artist and Production Designer, best known for his work with LucasArts and Double Fine Productions. He recently teamed up with G1988 an contemporary, pop & street art gallery, with two locations in Venice and one on Melrose in Hollywood. 

During the dates of September 21st to October 13th, 2012, Scott C. and the Melrose edition of G1988 bring us "Return of the Great Showdowns". "Return of the Great Showdowns" is a follow up to Scott C.'s "Great Showdowns". "Showdowns" chronics the epic struggle between protagonists and antagonists in today's cinema films and movies of past and present. Scott C. showcases his "Showdowns" in a simple, fun, cheerful and instant recognizable contexts. Everybody loves movies and pretty much every great cinema classic is represented in such fashion. Whether the confrontation is Good vs. Evil or Friend vs. Foe, I am sure you will enjoy these works as much as I did. In addition to this exhibit, Scott C. and G1988 released a book entitled "Return of the Great Showdowns" to coincide with each other. The book features many favorites of this past exhibit. The art work in the book is not titled and provides a little fun and mystery trying figure out each movie. The book is generously priced at only $14.95 and is available from Amazon. Books, prints and coaster sets are available from the websites of Scott C. and G1988 with the links below. The vast majority of these works are 3 1/2"  x 3 1/2" framed with a few being over-sized and all are water color on paper. Most were sold out by the second day of the exhibit.

Below are selected shots of "Return of the Great Showdowns" during the exhibit:

 Return of the Great Showdowns

"Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas"

 "The Shining"

 "The Outsiders"

 "Wild Style"

The Karate Kid"

 "Gleaming the Cube"

 "Full Metal Jacket"


 "Enter the Dragon"

 "Smokey and the Bandit"

"The Road Warrior"


 "National Lampoon's Vacation"

 "One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest"

 "Disney's Robin Hood"

 "A Fish Called Wanda"

"Lost in Translation"


 "The Untouchables" 

 "High Fidelity"

"V for Vendetta"

 "E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial"

 "Ed Wood"


 "Mulholland Drive"

 "Raiders of the Lost Ark"

 "The Jerk"


"Red Dawn"

"Return of the Great Showdowns" by Scott C.

To learn more about Scott C., his works and upcoming exhibits, please visit:

To learn more about G1988 (Melrose & Venice), featured artists and upcoming exhibits, please visit:

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