Monday, March 26, 2012

"Ragged Kingdom" by Jamie Reid

Anarchy in L.A.!!!
British artist & anarchist Jamie Reid touches down from across the pond at Subliminal Projects in Los Angeles for "Ragged Kingdom". A solo exhibit that shows some of Jamie's best known works as well as some new ones that include a collaboration with Shepard Fairey. Jamie's style of ransom note newspaper cut-outs was made famous when he created all the original cover art for the Sex Pistols. Covers include: "Never Mind the Bollocks, God Save the Queen, Pretty Vacant, Holidays in the Sun" and countless other snapshots and DIY collages that helped define a early Punk Rock generation. "Ragged Kingdom" kicks off the first show of the it's 2012 season at Subliminal Projects. Below are selected samples of Jamie's work from the opening reception on March 16th. 2012

Anarchy in the U.K.

Pretty Vacant 

Sex Pistols flyers at the 100 Club

Original LP cover art for Never Mind the Bollocks

God Save the Queen

Some Product: Carri on Sex Pistols

The Great Rock & Roll Swindle

Holiday in the Sun

Malcolm McLaren

Jamie Reid x Shepard Fairey 
collaboration print 2012

Shepard in the mix

"Ragged Kingdom" runs until April 14th. 2012. Subliminal Projects is located at 1331 W. Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, CA. 90026 or you can visit them on-line here:

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